Well Socialized Cockatoos available now for sale

We have lovely Cockatoos available now for sale at affordable price with their cage and toys. Our Cockatoos are (Umbrella Sulphur-crested Moluccan Cockatoo Bare-eyed Cockatoo Blue-eyed Cockatoo Goffin s Cockatoo Major Mitchell s Cockatoo). All our Cockatoos are hand fed from babies super tame affectionate well socialized friendly parrots and they will go to everyone (children men or women including other animals) does not have any bad habits they can literally do anything loves cuddles they are fully feathers and loves head cratching and playing around the room. All our Cockatoos are dna tested boys and girls. They have all paperwork ring ID dna certificate and also comes with 20kg premium parrot food they are also full panel DISEASE TESTED. Interested buyers should Email or Text 516 440 6916 for more info. Shipping is also available totally safe with money back guarantee.Umbrella Cockatoo 600 for each Congo African Grey and 1000 for a pair with Shipping and cage included. Sulphur-crested 800 for each Congo African Grey and 1500 for a pair with Shipping and cage included. Moluccan Cockatoo 700 for each Congo African Grey and 1200 for a pair with Shipping and cage included. Bare-eyed Cockatoo 500 for each Congo African Grey and 800 for a pair with Shipping and cage included. Blue-eyed Cockatoo 800 for each Congo African Grey and 1500 for a pair with Shipping and cage included. Goffin s Cockatoo 700 for each Congo African Grey and 1000 for a pair with Shipping and cage included. Major Mitchell s Cockatoo 700 for each Congo African Grey and 1000 for a pair with Shipping and cage included.



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