Sr. Human Resource Business Partner

SUMMARY Management Business Solutions is seeking a Sr. Human Resource Business Partner for our client in Pine Bluff AR. This individual would be responsible for operational support and compliance monitoring of the organization. RESPONSIBILITIES Drive effective recruitment strategies to address current and future talent needs. Implement initiatives to enhance employee retention and cultivate a positive work environment. Spearhead succession planning efforts to facilitate a seamless transition of talent within the organization. Direct the talent acquisition process overseeing recruitment interviewing and hiring for managerial exempt and professional positions. Collaborate with departmental managers to grasp the skills and competencies required for open positions. Work closely with the Talent Acquisition team to optimize and streamline the hiring process. QUALIFICATIONS Possess a minimum of 8 years of experience in HR Generalist or Business Partner roles Reside near or within Pine Bluff Arkansas Demonstrate experience in working with matrix-structured organizations Hold valid US work authorization MANAGEMENT BUSINESS SOLUTIONS IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER



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