Stefek s December Arrowheads and Artifacts Auction

s catalog 311905_december-arrowheads-and-artifacts-auct ion Online only through LiveAuctioneers. Auction closes Sunday December 17th Lots begin to close at 8 00pm ET Preview for this auction will be by appointment only. Please contact the office at info(at) or (313) 881-1800 to request an appointment time. Stefek s is excited to release the second auction in a three-part series of arrowheads and artifacts. These artifacts come from a single estate in Bloomfield Township Michigan. This December auction continues with a selection of Dovetails Daltons Thebes Hardins Hopewells and more. Several grooved axes will be on offer along with many boxed collections of points. This selection is highlighted by a boxed collection of seventeen blades bird stones and a reel banner stone. The auction will also have a collection of the owner s books and magazines on topics such as The Stone Age in North America The Prehistoric Men of Kentucky Ancient Man in North America Hopewell Mound Group of Ohio Central State archaeological journals and many more artifact and culture related books.



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