Hotel Front Desk Clerk

Title Hotel Front Desk ClerkTerm Full-time permanentHours 8 hours a day and 40 hours a weekVacation Pay 10 days paid vacationWork Location 3366 suite Douglas St Victoria BC V8Z 3L3Language English Key Responsibilities Greet and assist visitors accommodation in a professional and courteous manner. Manage incoming inquiry calls and emails provide them necessary service information or directing them to the appropriate department or individual. Maintain a tidy and organized reception area. Assist with administrative tasks including guest data entry and reservation management. Tabulates guest spending records summarizes into a bill and is responsible for collection and filing. Requirements Experience in a hotel receptionist or customer service role is preferred. Proficient in basic computer skills (Microsoft Office email etc.). Ability to multitask and prioritize tasks efficiently. Additional Information To apply please submit your resume and cover letter detailing your relevant experience to with the subject line Front Desk Receptionist Application - [Your Name]. We thank all applicants for their interest in joining our team however only those selected for an interview will be contacted.



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