Edrishyaa Shaping Futures Building Careers

BOOST YOUR CAREER WITH SAP CERTIFICATION THE RIGHT DOOR TO SUCCESS .eDrishyaa IT India Pvt. LTD. is an authorized SAP Academy. (www.editindia.in)SAP is a German Software application and it is one of the market lead in the ERP industry. Most of the reputed companies like BOSCH TESPA TECH MAHINDRA IBM INFOSYS HCL HP etc are SAP partners. SAP provides almost 600 plus products for management of business process irrespective to the sector and size of the business.We as an authorized SAP academy provide training for SAP courses both online and offline and educate Students and Professionals based on their domain knowledge and assist in job placement with high salary package in a reputed SAP supporting companies. Loan Facility can also be arranged if required.Over the decades nearly 1000 s of our students is with high profile in our SAP partnered companies with SAP GLOBAL CERTIFICATION.I m sure you would want to know more .Email your Resume to itsupport.cbe(at)editindia.in today OR Contact 8754047432 nowWe would be glad to meet you in person Address 1) 657 2nd Floor Tristar towers West wing Avinashi Rd Near Lakshmi Mills Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 6410372) 98 Ebrahim Residency 1st Floor Residency Road Bengaluru Karnataka - 560025. ------x----- sap edrishyaa SAP authorized Academy sap partner



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