Temporary foster needed for 2 young cats

I need a foster family for my 2 cats Purrito and Azar. It will be from the end of this month (December 2023) until the end of August 2024. I ll provide everything you need to foster them (food litter litter boxes toys cat tree scratches carriers food water dishes medical etc). I can provide references so that you know I won t just dump my cats on you and never return. I also made up a foster agreement already so that it makes it official. It absolutely won t be any later that you need to foster until 8 31 24 (so you would foster no longer than 8 months). These 2 are a bonded pair so they need to be fostered together. Azar is the cream and white kitten he is 11 months old. Purrito is the other cat in the photos. He is 2 years old. They both are neutered vaccinated microchipped and dewormed. They are both also negative for FeLV and FIV. They eat wet and dry food and they are litter box trained. They do well with other cats and mellow well trained dogs. They haven t ever been around young children. Both of them are shy at first Azar is the most shy one but once they get to know you they are very sweet boys. They like feather wands pompom balls and spring toys. They like to sleep with you at night and groom each other. Please can anyone help watch my cats for me



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