Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) - Night

EXCELLENT PAY This is a Contract (Possibility of Renewal) Night Position. We are seeking a highly motivated and experienced Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) for a contract position in Beaumont TX. This role requires a valid LVN license certification and a commitment to providing high-quality patient care.Qualifications Required Valid Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) license certification Valid American Heart Association Basic Life Support (AHA BLS) license certification 1 years of experience in any of the following Clinical Documentation Graduation from a Licensed Vocational Nurse Program and current license permit as a vocational nurse in the State of Texas Medical-Surgical (Med-Surg) Long Term Acute Care (LTAC LTACH) Preferred Qualifications COVID-19 Vaccine Varicella MMR T-Dap TB HepB Current Physical Flu vaccinations IV Certification Job Details Position Type Contract Shift Full-Time Night Shift Clearance documents will be sent to candidates during the Review stage 4 3 rotating schedule



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