Home child care provider

The position is full-time.The employee is required to be flexible to cover shifts some weekends. Overtime may be required. Hours will vary from day night and evening.Salary 19.00 per hour 30 hours per weekWork Site Environment Non-smoking Scent-freeWork Location Must work in employer s home. Job Duties Assume full responsibility for household in absence of parents Perform light housekeeping and cleaning duties Wash iron and press clothing and household linens Bathe dress and feed infants and children Prepare and serve nutritious meals Supervise and care for children Take children to and from school and to appointments Target audience2 School age children under 8 Requirements Education Secondary (high) school graduation certificate Previous Experience in the same field and or previous full-time training in the field will be an asset. Must be able to speak write read and understand English.Work conditions and physical capabilitiesRepetitive tasks Attention to detail Weight handlingUp to 23 kg (50 lbs) Experience2 years Please send your resume to my email address sabagolchin(at)gmail.com



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