25098 1961 Porsche 356B Super 90 Coupe

1961 Porsche 356B Super 90 Coupe Matching Numbers This 1961 Porsche 356B Super 90 Coupe is an excellent original matching numbers black plate California car that s been patiently awaiting a straightforward restoration. It was originally born as a desirable black car. Currently silver with black and red interior. It s been sitting off the road for several years and is not currently running. Offered with its hubcaps partial tool roll jack and spare. It s not everyday that you come across a high Performance 1600 Super 90 Coupe retaining its original engine. This newly discovered Porsche has been sitting untouched and undisturbed for many years and is the very definition of a barn-find. Be the first to restore this incredibly rare and special car. Matching numbers Rare and collectible Super 90 356B Coupe Highly original Barn-Find born in desirable black (701 color code) The ideal restoration Candidate Price 62 500



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