25058 1975 Maserati Bora 4.9

1975 Maserati Bora 4.9This 1975 Maserati Bora is an original 4.9-liter car completed on January 27 1975 and delivered new to Los Angeles. Originally finished in the beautiful color scheme of Blue Ischia (a dark metallic blue) over white leather upholstery this Maserati has always resided in Southern California. Repainted and reupholstered black many years ago the Bora s previous owner removed the original matching-numbers engine and placed it on a display stand in anticipation of a restoration that never progressed beyond the earliest stages. The original engine comes included with the car. Not currently running this Bora presents a rare opportunity to acquire one of the most revered Italian supercars of the 1970s at an absolute bargain price. Its exceptional rarity striking original color scheme and desirable 4.9-liter specification make it a compelling restoration project. Just out of long-term storage and will require mechanical attention prior to road use. Between 1971 and 1978 Maserati produced just 564 Boras of which approximately 275 were equipped with the company s mighty 4.9-liter four-cam V-8 engine. With 300 hp available the 4.9-liter Bora was one of the fastest production automobiles of its era claiming a top speed in excess of 170 mph. Maserati s Mid-Engine Masterpiece Striking Giorgetto Giugiaro Styling One of Only 275 Examples Powered by the 4.9-Liter Engine Delivered New to Los Angeles Finished in Blue Ischia over White An Exciting Rarely Seen 1970s Italian Supercar Price 79 500



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