4.5 months old Black Male Bernedoodle Puppy For Adoption

4.5 months old Black Male Bernedoodle Puppy For Adoption Meet Aloo He is a healthy black non shedding bernedoodle needing to be rehomed. He is a perfect family dog is great with kids and loves to cuddle. He is a mix of calm and cuddly with playful and energetic. He has been trained for basic commands and is very well house potty trained. Would also make a wonderful companion dog. He is up to date with de-worming and 2 rounds of shots. He is also crate trained and will be coming with a large crate and a new bed. He was cared for by a lovely neurodivergent family during the first 8 weeks of his life and has had exposure to frequent grooming. He is needing to be rehomed due to an unfortunate family situation but is otherwise very healthy



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