UNUSED AGT SAII100 PALLET FORK FRAME ATTACHMENT fits skidsteer. s n SA23100508E --(LOCATED IN COLTON CA)-- DECEMBER 18th 2023 AUCTION ENTIRE AUCTION CATALOG s theauctioncompany.auctionserver.net Bid Online Now AUCTION DETAILS - Auction begins closing at 10AM Monday December 18th.All items are Located at our Auction Yard Facility 1450 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Colton California 92324. Equipment inspection is on Friday December 15th from 9am-4pm. We highly suggest you come in person to inspect equipment before the auction. ALL ITEMS ARE SOLD AS IS OUR DESCRIPTION & CONDITION ARE A GUIDE ONLY. PLEASE INSPECT THE ITEM TO FORM YOUR OWN OPINION BEFORE BIDDING HOW TO PARTICIPATE IN THE AUCTION - Visit our website www.theauctioncompany.net > Go to the Register tab at the top of the site > Click on Register to Bid Online > Click Register Now Follow the Signup process there s a 1 000 deposit which will allow you to participate in both our Saturday & Monday s auction. (Deposit will be released once you ve paid & picked up all items. If you do not win any bids the deposit will be released the following week after the auction has ended.) DEPOSIT MUST BE PAID WITH A CREDIT CARD NO CASH ACCEPTED For any questions call (951)-657-5300 Thank you



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