Estate Sale at the Gallery - December 14-15th

Ring in the holidays with our last sale of the year at Stefek s Gallery. Find the perfect last-minute gift of designer furniture fine art unique decorative items couture and more We are featuring furniture spanning a century including two corner cabinets dining tables and chairs glass coffee table modern coffee table four molded plastic bar stools marble top dining table with rattan base Asian cabinet antique chests antique writing desk dining chairs patio furniture pair of pool table bar stools four cowhide upholstered bar stools Biedermeier style open-arm chairs mid-century modern faux fireplace and more. Mid-century furniture that will be available include American of Martinsville Robinson Furniture Kent Coffey Mersman etc. Decorative items include beautiful framed mirrors hundreds of framed original paintings and prints carpets and rugs glassware seven sets of china including Wedgwood and Mikasa Waterford crystal Belleek ceramics Hummel figurines ceramic and porcelain items ceramic and glass lamps cement garden statuary and so much more. Designer and vintage women s clothing shoes and accessories including Tory Burch Coach Dooney & Bourke Kate Spade Escada Saks 5th Avenue Akris Burberry and more. There is so much to see and just waiting for a new home. Find something for your loved ones or yourself We know you will love the selection. See you this Thursday. December 14th and 15th 9a.m. - 4p.m. 20100 Cornillie Dr. Roseville MI 48066 Street numbers honored at 8 30am Thursday only. Our numbers given at 8 30am Thursday only.



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