Small Yorkie mix puppies (only 1 male left)

The cutest little Yorkie mix puppies ready to be rehomed into their future families. 3 girls and 2 boys raised within a family environment with their parents children and a cat. The pups have received special care and lots of love and affection and therefore we are looking for families who would do the same for the rest of these pups lives. Character and temperament Very calm and well tempered these babies are not high energy. They are chill and relaxed puppies. Super smart which makes training them easy. Cleanliness Hypoallergenic and pipipad trained. They do not shed hair. Health Been to the vet got vaccinated and dewormed. They own medical certificate. Size Mom is 6lbs ( shihtzu) and dad ( Yorkie)is 4lbs. Therefore approximate adult weight of the pups would be between 4 and 6 lbs. bonus Pups will come with a little started kit that includes food toys treats and blanket that has the mother s smell



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