
Buffet Yangtze is Calgary s largest buffet restaurantand we are activelylooking for a bookkeeper to help thecompany. This position will be full time and permanent wage willbe 29.00 hour with30-40 working hours per week. Overtime rate begins after 8 hours of workper day andafter 44 hours of work per week. Overtime work will be paid1.5x regular pay rate.Job duties include Keep financial records and establish maintain andbalance variousaccounts using manualand computerized bookkeeping systems Prepare tax returns Prepare other statistical financial and accounting reports Maintain general ledgers and financial statements Calculate and prepare cheques for payroll Reconcile accounts.Job requirement At least two years of relative working experience is needed. For education requirement college graduation is needed. Language ability to speak and write in Englishis required.Interested applicants can send resume to buffetyangtze(at) for consideration.



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