1982 Chevrolet Custom

Stk 096 1982 Chevrolet Custom DeluxeFrame off in 2016 Original rearend Factory black colorPainted a beautiful slick black paint with a like new bed cover in black. All glass is good front & rear bumper chrome is like new. Grill and headlight trim is like new tail lights like new. Reese Hitch new wheel well moldings are like new. Dual outside mirrors are like new. Door handles like new. Emblems like new rubber and felt like new drip rail moldings are like new. Wiper arms and blades like new. American Racing Torque thrust chrome rims are like new. Cooper Volution tires are like new. A head turner All interior is black with the bench seat like new. Door panels and arm rest like new tilt column with automatic. Sunvisor s like new gauge package looks new AM FM CD Bluetooth radio. Black carpet like new. Black rubber floor mat like new. The seatbelts are black and like new. Window cranks and door handles are good. Rearview mirror like new. There is a new wiring harness American Auto Wire. Looks great Powered by a 350-engine rebuilt with 250 HP. Less than 5000 miles since built. 700 R4 Transmission rebuilt RV cam headers Edelbrock aluminum intake Edelbrock carb electric fuel pump Edelbrock finned valve covers Edelbrock Pro Flo Air cleaner chrome oil cap chrome oil dipstick newer battery power booster and master cylinder are newer. Flex fan newer radiator newer dual exhaust with chrome tips. Drives and runs out good. Visit our website at www.ecoastcc.com for more info.



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