Oikos Design Cabinet Ltd. is looking for an Interior Designer

Oikos Design Cabinet Ltd. is looking for an Interior Designer Job Description Employer Oikos Design Cabinet Ltd.Work Location 70-1833 Coast Meridian Rd Port Coquitlam BC V3C 6R8Business Address Same as aboveTerms of employment Permanent Full-timeWage 30.00 - 35.00 per hour (to be negotiated)Working Hours 30-40 hours per weekBenefit 4% of salary for vacation remuneration or 10 days of paid vacation.Language EnglishVacancy 1 Job Duties - Consult with clients to determine needs preferences safety requirements and purpose of space- Develop design concepts and produce contract document based on client needs.- Create design concepts and digital presentations with finish selections furnishings and fixtures.- Determine timelines and project costs and present accurate estimates to clients.- Place the orders and oversee the installation of materials furniture and other design elements.- Collaborate with designers decorators architects and constructors. Job Requirements - Education Completion of university degree or college diploma in interior design or related fields.- Experience Experience as an interior designer is an asset. If you are interested in the position please send your resume byEmail oikosdesign.hiring(at)hanmail.ca



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