Earn from home Proofreading Writing and Review

Exciting news After reviewing your application we were able to match you with this current job opportunity. As one of many top company opportunities this particular assignment requires an in-home writer who has a computer setup at their desk ready to go Proofreading movie scripts or books. You can find spelling and grammar mistakes and be paid to work from the comfort of your home.Writing blog posts & articles. With thousands of topics to write about it s perfect for someone who enjoys writing though there is no minimum word count requirement.Write reviews of websites. You simply check out new websites and give feedback on how user-friendly the site is while providing suggestions on what they could do differently better when making their website next time around.-Here s a brief rundown on the position -Minimum 5 hours per week (flexible time slots).-Remote so available to people in -Salary starts at 25 - 35 per hour.-Training providedClick URL s tundrafile.com 2023paidwritingjobsonlineYou ll work directly with this small company based in your country which will give you assignments related to writing content for their blog and social media accounts proofreading their drafts before publishing them online or reviewing other websites.All you have to do is enter some basic information about yourself in this link in order to start being paid today.



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