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Visit for this and other unique products. or s productsThe unisex soft-style t-shirt puts a new spin on casual comfort. Made from very soft materials this tee is 100% cotton for solid colors. Heather colors and sports grey include polyester. The shoulders have twill tape for improved durability. There are no side seams. The collar is made with ribbed knitting to prevent curling damage.. Made with 100% ring-spun cotton a lightweight fabric (4.5 oz yd (153 g m )) this unisex t-shirt feels like a bliss to wear all year round. . The classic fit with the crew neckline deliver a clean versatile style that can match any occasion whether it s formal or semi-formal. . All shirts feature a pearlized tear-away label for total wearing comfort. . Made using ethically grown and harvested US cotton. Gildan is also a proud member of the US Cotton Trust Protocol ensuring ethical and sustainable means of production. . Fabric blends Heather colors - 35% ring-spun cotton 65% polyester Sport Grey - 90% cotton 10% polyester. Visit for this and other unique products. or s products



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