Administrative Assistant

About Us The Greener Cleaners Ltd. for Sparkling Calgary HomesFor an immaculate clean count on The Greener Cleaners. We are a family-owned and operated business that can stand up to Calgary s high demand and competition.Join The Greener Cleaners We are currently seeking a responsible and dedicated Administrative Assistant to contribute to our success. If you re ready to be part of a dynamic company apply now at 5555 Strathcona Hill SW Bay 2 Calgary AB T3H 1S2.Job Responsibilities Receive and sift through incoming emails online orders and other messages. Categorize orders based on business types and coordinate work schedules and shifts for respective staff members. Maintain the order system. Answer incoming calls record and relay information. Identify the nature of the business and guide visitors to the appropriate contact person. Inventory and record cleaning supplies and office materials and promptly initiate supply replenishment orders. Job Requirements Completion of secondary school is required. Administrative assistants or previous clerical experience is required. Wage C 29.00 Per hourWorking Hours 8 Hours Per day 40 Hours Per weekTerm of Employment Permanent Full-TimeVocation 10 days of paid vacation per yearLanguage English How to apply Please submit your resumes to the email address greenercleaners.hiring(at) While we appreciate all applicants please note that we will only be reviewing candidates through email.



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