Commercial spaceoffice and warehouse for rent - La Prairie

Commercial Office space and warehouse for Rent La Prairie Monteregie - 235 Notre-Dame Street. Office 1 1 250 sqft. Office 2 1 000 sqft. Warehouse 200 to 2 000 sqft Strategic location. Shared washrooms. Competitive price. Public transportation 1 min walk.Brochure with all the information available upon request. LEAVE YOUR CONTACT INFORMATION Mathieu Tessier Real Estate Broker Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)mathieutessier.comLocal espace commercial bureau et entrep t louer La Prairie Mont r gie - 235 rue Notre-Dame. Bureau 1 1250 pc. Bureau 2 1000 pc. Entrep t 200 2000 pc Localisation strat gique. Salles de bain communes. Prix comp titif. Transport en commun 1 min de marche.Brochure avec les informations disponible sur demande. VEUILLEZ LAISSER VOS COORDONN ES Mathieu Tessier Courtier immobilier Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)



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