Administrative Officer

Since H-Mart opened the first store in Woodside Queens N.Y in 1982 it has expanded remarkably in the USA and Canada now operating as many as 42 stores. In 2000s our corporate brand(H-Mart) was successfully acknowledged in retail market which enabled us to make a second take-off in business volume and store network resultantly becoming a leader in the Asian Food Retail Industry. We pursue to provide quality products at the lowest price possible to customers through the entire resources planning system which secures optimal inventory lowest purchasing cost and maintenance of freshness. H-Mart is serving customers at 42 stores in North America including 3 branches in Alberta Canada. We are doing the upmost effort to enrich customer s life while at the same time playing our active role in the community and society. H-Mart Calgary Downtown Corp. is looking for Administrative Officer to team members on a full-time permanent basis. Position Administrative Officer Job Description- General day-to-day activities of the office develops policies procedures and system which ensure productive and efficient office operation.- Ensure all files documents and databases are maintained and up to date.- Schedule and manage monthly events and other activities- Provide orientation and training to new administrative assistants.- Assist in preparation of performance report- Coordinate assign and review the work of employee.- Arrange meetings with vendors suppliers- Order supplies and maintain inventories equipment. Wage 27.00 hr- 29.00 hr This position is Full-time permanent position. Requirement- A university degree or college diploma required -Minimum 1year work experience required- Able to communicate in English.- Team-oriented strong communication and good administrative skills. How to applyPlease send your resume and cover letter to hiringhmartcalgary(at) . If you are not currently authorized to work in Canada do not apply for this position. Serious inquiries only please.



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