Coworking Office space for rent La Prairie

Commercial space office space coworking space for rent at 1503 chemin Saint-Jean La Prairie.High quality construction. Recent construction (2015) modern style space already furnished. Office spaces 10 x 12 et 12 x 24 . Located on a main artery near highways 15 and 30.Price on demand514-613-0625 Equipe commerciale Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)mathieutessier.comEspace commercial bureau louer bureau partag au 1503 chemin Saint-Jean La PrairieConstruction de haute qualit . Construction r cente (2015) espace de style moderne d j am nag . Bureaux 10 x 12 et 12 x 24 . Situ sur une art re principale proximit des autoroutes 15 et 30.Prix sur demande514-613-0625 quipe commerciale Agence Pro Immobilier admin(at)



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