Home health care worker for LUCAS FAMILY

Home health care worker ( 30 to 40 hours per WeekPermanent employment Full time) LUCAS FAMILY Job detailsLocationSt. Catharines ONSalary18.00 to 18.50 hourlyStart dateStarts as soon as possiblevacancies1 vacancy Languages EnglishEducation Secondary (high) school graduation certificateor equivalent experienceExperience1 year to less than 2 years Work site environmentNon-smokingWork settingOptional accommodation available at no charge on a live-in basis. Note This is NOT a condition of employmentWork in employer s client s home TasksAdminister bedside and personal careLaunder clothing and household linensMend clothing and linensPerform light housekeeping and cleaning dutiesPlan therapeutic diets and menusProvide companionshipProvide personal carePrepare and serve nutritious mealsExperience and specialization Target audienceElderly Females Persons with a disability Security and safetyCriminal record checkTransportation travel informationPublic transportation is availableWeight handlingUp to 9 kg (20 lbs) Personal suitabilityPunctualityClient focusDependabilityFlexibilityInitiativeJudgem entOrganizedReliabilityTeam player Employment groups Help - Employment groupsThis employer promotes equal employment opportunities for all job applicants including those self-identifying as a member of these groups Indigenous people Persons with disabilities Newcomers to Canada Veterans Visible minorities Youth Who can apply to this job Only apply to this job if You are a Canadian citizen a permanent or a temporary resident of Canada.You have a valid Canadian work permit.If you are not authorized to work in Canada do not apply. The employer will not respond to your application. How to applyBy emailPlease send resume to lucasmfamily2022(at)outlook.com



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