Web developer

OverviewLanguagesEnglishEducationBachelor s degree Experience1 year to less than 2 yearsWork settingWilling to relocate Consulting firm ResponsibilitiesTasksConsult with clients to develop and document Website requirements Write modify integrate and test software code Maintain existing computer programs by making modifications as required Develop Website architecture and determine hardware and software requirements Identify and communicate technical problems processes and solutions Prepare reports manuals and other documentation on the status operation and maintenance of software Source select and organize information for inclusion and design the appearance layout and flow of the Website Assist in the collection and documentation of user s requirements Create and optimize content for Website using a variety of graphics database animation and other software Research and evaluate a variety of interactive media software products Lead and co-ordinate multidisciplinary teams to develop Website graphics content capacity and interactivity Research and evaluate a variety of software products Conduct tests and perform security and quality controls Plan design write modify integrate and test Web-site related code Experience and specializationComputer and technology knowledgeJava JavaScript JSP Web service design MS Office MS Windows Spreadsheet Additional informationWork conditions and physical capabilitiesFast-paced environment Work under pressure Attention to detail Personal suitabilityClient focus



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