Cook Aide

Responsible for the overall cleaning of the Head Start Center. Responsible for the cleaning sanitizing and maintenance of the center including buildings grounds and equipment. Shares a general responsibility for the safety and well being of the children enrolled in the Head Start Program. Must have attained the age of 18 years and have acquired a high school diploma or GED. Must produce proof annually of negative Tuberculosis Tine Test. Prefer previous experience in working with pre-school children food service and commercial cleaning. Responsible for serving meals and overall cleaning of the Head Start Center. Responsible for the cleaning sanitizing and maintenance of the center including buildings grounds and equipment. Shares a general responsibility for the safety and well being of the children enrolled in the Head Start Program. OSBI criminal records verification required. Must have reliable transportation a valid Oklahoma drivers license proof of automobile liability insurance and a good driving record are required. Visit our website at If you wish to Apply Online SUBMIT APPLICATIONS TO Big Five 1502 N. 1st Ave Durant OK 74701 BIG FIVE COMMUNITY SERVICES INC. IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER



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