
Agim Construction LtdLocation Calgary ABT2K 0C7Salary 27.50 hourly 40 hours per WeekTerms of employment Permanent employment Full time DayWith some duties as a renovation carpenterStart date as soon as possible3 vacancies OverviewLanguages EnglishEducation Secondary (high) school graduation certificateExperience 3 years to less than 5 yearsWork settingOn-site customer service Residential Willing to relocate Various locations Construction industry Residential renovation ResponsibilitiesTasksPrepare measure and mark surfaces to be covered Mix apply and spread mortar cement mastic glue or other adhesives using hand trowel Set tiles in place and apply pressure to affix them to base Align and straighten tiles Cut and fit tiles around obstacles and openings using hand and power cutting tools Pack grout into joints between tiles and remove excess grout Remove and replace cracked or damaged tiles Lay and set mosaic tiles to create decorative wall mural and floor designs Cut surface polish and install marble and granite Mix lay and polish terra surfaces Install tile strips Additional informationWork conditions and physical capabilitiesPhysically demanding Handling heavy loads Bending crouching kneeling Ability to distinguish between colours Attention to detail Hand-eye co-ordination Large workload Own tools equipmentSteel-toed safety boots Safety glasses goggles Personal suitabilityClient focus Dependability Judgement Team player Hardworking How to applyBy emailhragimconstruction(at)outlook.comBy fax403-290-8457By mail4015 - 3rd Str NW CALGARY AB T2K 0C7



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