
Mello is located at 223 Pender Street E. Vancouver BC V6A 1T8. We are a currently looking for permanent full time Bakers. If you are interested please submit your resume by e-mail. Position Baker Wage CAD 20.00 hourTypes Full-time PermanentWorking hours 30 40 hours weekBenefits 4% of vacation pay Free meals at work Job Duties Determine the right quantity and types of goods to produce Weigh flour and other ingredients and prepare dough & mixtures for various donuts cakes cookies and other baked goods on the menu Cut and shape dough Bake fry mixed dough and mixtures and cool them in right temperature Frost glaze fill dip and sprinkle donuts cakes and other baked goods with various ingredients and toppings Track food supplies and materials and inform supervisor of low stock situations Ensure quality of goods meets established standards Train staff. Job Requirements Completion of secondary school Completion of a three-or four-year apprenticeship program for bakers or completion of a college or other program for bakers or 2-3 years of commercial baking experience. Language at work EnglishJob Location 223 Pender Street E. Vancouver BC V6A 1T8 Contact Information Melloe-mail



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