Apple iPhone 13 (128GB) Green

Brand Apple Model name iPhone 13 Wireless carrier Unlocked for All Carriers Operating system iOS-14 Cellular technology 5G Memory storage capacity 128 GB Connectivity technology Bluetooth Colour Gr n Screen Size 6.1 Inches Wireless network technology About this item 6.1 inch Super Retina XDR display The cinema mode automatically adds low depth of field and moves the focus in your videos. Advanced dual camera system with 12MP wide-angle and ultra-wide angle lenses photographic styles smart HDR 4 night mode 4K HDR recording with Dolby Vision. 12MP TrueDepth front camera with night mode 4K HDR video recording with Dolby Vision A15 Bionic chip for super-fast performance Up to 19 hours of video playback. Robust design with Ceramic Shield Industry-leading IP68 water resistance 5G for super-fast downloads and streaming of the highest quality iOS 15 is packed with features so you can do more with your iPhone than ever before



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