SpaScents 85g Crystal Pouch Tangerine Mango

SpaScents 85g Crystal Pouch Tangerine MangoSignature Collection Case 10 x 85gExcite you senses and relieve stress with the aroma of delicate mango and the deep scent of zesty tangerine as it leaves your skin feeling soft and moisturized with aloe and Vitamin CBenefits For hundreds of years Epsom salts have been used by many different cultures for its beneficial properties and detoxifying the body. Epsom is a naturally occurring pure mineral of magnesium and sulfate. Its these minerals that enhance the detoxification capabilities of the body.Some may ask how it is that by simply sitting in a hot tub relaxing with SpaScents you can do so much good for your body. First magnesium and sulfate are both readily absorbed into the blood stream through your skin. By using Epsom salts in your hot tub you are creating a process called reverse osmosis this pulls salt and harmful toxins out of the body and allows the magnesium sulfate to enter.Magnesium helps improve muscle and nerve function reduce inflammation and improve blood flow oxygenation in the body. Sulfates are building blocks for healthy joints skin and nerve tissue. Its the combination of these two minerals that help to flush toxins an build key protein molecules in brain tissue and joints.As if sitting in a hot tub alone isn t relieving your daily stresses by simply adding SpaScents to the water you are doing so much more. When Epsom salts are added to the water the ions break apart and begin to relieve your stress by creating serotonin and reducing the effects of adrenaline caused by our hectic day to day routines. Magnesium also plays a critical role in the production of energy cells which leaves us feeling invigorated without feeling any restlessness or anxiety.Directions Add 1-2 tablespoons to your hot tub or until you attain your desired aroma level. Safe for spas hot tubs and bath oil free will not clog filters jets or affect water chemistryTo purchase please follow our link at s product spascents-85g-crystal-pouch-tangerine-mango



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