Duplex steel s31803 pipes & tubes exporters

Natural Steels is a prominent global enterprise engaged in the production, supply, and stockholding of Duplex Steel S31803 / S32205 Pipes and Tubes. These products come in various grades, sizes, wall thicknesses, types, standards, lengths, dimensions, schedules, and outer diameters to cater to diverse industrial requirements. Renowned for their durability, smooth finishing, corrosion resistance, and dimensional accuracy, these pipes and tubes are highly esteemed by industrialists worldwide. Additionally, Natural Steels offers customization options to meet specific buyer specifications. Grade 2205, a widely used duplex stainless steel, offers a blend of austenitic and ferritic properties, making it highly corrosion resistant with excellent tensile strength. Steel suppliers have refined the standard duplex S31803 composition, resulting in restricted composition ranges authorized as UNS S32205. Grade S32205 provides reliable corrosion resistance. Recently produced duplex S31803 meets S32205 standards. However, grade 2205 is unsuitable for temperatures exceeding 300°C due to the precipitation of brittle micro constituents. For Further Details E-mail :- [email protected] Mobile :- + 91 9820414191 Tele :- + 91 22 6651 8616 / 6659 5953 Website :- https://naturalsteels.com



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