Food Service Supervisor

AFC Sushi is located at 8818 Macleod Trail SE Calgary AB T2H 0M5. We are currently looking for a permanent full time Food Service Supervisor. If you are interested please submit your resume by e-mail. Position Food Service SupervisorWage CAD 18.00 hourTypes Full-time PermanentWorking hours 30 40 hours weekBenefits 4% of vacation pay Free meals at work Job Duties Supervise and coordinate the activities of food service workers Supervise and check the assembly and delivery of food Ensure that each employee follows safety regulations and procedures Handle shift schedules for food service workers and assign them tasks Ensure that food items are stored in a safe place Maintain and order ingredients and supplies for meal preparation Ensure appropriate cleaning and maintenance of food preparation areas and equipment Train staff. Job Requirements Completion of secondary school Completion of community college program in food service administration hotel and restaurant management or related discipline or 2-3 years of experience in food preparation or service. Language at work EnglishJob Location 8818 Macleod Trail SE Calgary AB T2H 0M5 Contact Information AFC SushiE-mail afccalgary(at)



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