Ayam Cemani PAIR

VW Micro Farm here with a pair of Ayam Cemani. Early 2023 male super nice breeder quality late last years female near ready to lay but with white in her mouth. The pair is 350 open to trade see list near bottom of listing. More pictures s www.facebook.com gin.warner.5 posts pfbid0NRV6cPVAMeRqq6wtfiyCf1TTswQ5qan9pmaf7ZW hBLRR7PzPGtqS63kevQcK4B8ElPick-up in Jackson MIor (at) some Kalamazoo or Saline Reptile Exotic Animal ExposAlso can occasionally meet in Hillsdale or (at) Techumseh Farm Swap inquire for show schedule.or delivery at 1 a mile 80 mile max from 4905 S Meridian Rd Jackson MI 49201 (a business near me) only 1 way mileage charged not round trip mileage.STUFF I WOULD CONSIDER IN TRADE (may be interested in other stuff feel free to make trade offers)Sheet metal roofing at least 4 ft sectionsNintendo Switch games (Pok mon or Zelda)Hatching purebred chicken eggs (bantam preferred but may be open to other breeds)-A pair or more of the following Spice Finches (Nutmeg Mannikin Scaley-breasted Munia Ricebird)Owl FinchesGreen-backed Twinspots DISCLAIMER pens and cages used for photographs are small to keep animal still for photos and are not the actual places the animals live.



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