Gorgeous F1B Cavapoo Male Puppy - Ready Now

Please call or TEXT 608-957-2931 to set up a showing OR Book Directly Here booking.appointy.com KSanchezBeautiful F1B CavaPoo (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel & Poodle) puppies that are available NOW - 1095DOB 01-29-2024 Sire Al Jr Apricot ICA Registered Poodle 14 pounds Dam Pretty Paws Apricot CavaPoo 17 pounds 1 MALES (Curly Coat)Average Estimate Adult Weight 15-18poundsCavapoos are wonderful with children they seldom meet a stranger and Cavapoos love being with people. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are famously little lap dogs (in past history often for royalty That personality often comes over into the Cavapoo. They are some of the calmest of all doodle varieties. They seldom bark and they love to cuddle. They often look a lot like their better-known cousins the Cockapoo. An F1B Cavapoo is 75% Poodle and 25% Cavalier King Charles Spaniel which means that it contains a majority of Poodle genetics. The F1B is one of the most popular generations of Cavapoo since they are just one of the most hypoallergenic and non shedding. The majority of the dog breeders that breed allergy-friendly Cavapoos that do not shed and are allergy-friendly are most likely to be an F1B Cavapoo. F1B Cavapoos will practically always have a wavy or curly coat that is acquired from the Poodle geneticsPuppies are dewormed at 2 3 4 6 & 8 weeks. At 6 weeks the puppies had a second health check to include a report along with the first series of puppy vaccinations. All of our puppies are handled with love and care daily with our 4 children. Your new puppy will come to you healthy socialized will be familiar with the terms sit stay & come and he or she will have been introduced to a small kennel & will have started potty training. All of our puppies are kept on an all organic grain-free diet. The name of the food is Earthborn Coastal Catch. It is an ALL-STAGE life food so there is never any transition from puppy to adult food. We ask that you continue this diet throughout the puppy s life to ensure the best quality of life for your new puppy. All of our puppies will come with the following 1 Year Health Guarantee 95 % potty trained crated and scheduled potty breaks outside Dewormed multiple times and all vaccinations up to 8 weeks Certified vet check and certificate Personalized consultation for the transition period Organic Diet Information Packet with shopping list and training packet We are located on the Far Eastside of Madison. 30 mins from Johnson Creek and Janesville. We ship using the American Airlines PetSafe program. The average cost is 525. Please call or TEXT 608-957-2931 to reserve your puppy today.LIKE & FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Breeder Owner 282265KEYWORDS puppy doodle mini Goldendoodle F1b non-shed kid-friendly hypoallergenic potty trained family therapy health guarantee cavapoo cockapoo cavoodle



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