Looking for Models 18-35

Seeking women 18-35 with decent figures to audition for erotic still photography and adult videos. Specifically looking for smaller bra sizes (B or smaller) but will consider others. Experience is not necessary but you must have current valid legal photo ID. We work with some of the leading names in adult entertainment. If picked up a contract could be awarded and you could make 1000 to 5000 per day depending on the company including air fare to shoot locations and hotel room. If you are interested please contact Adult Entertainment Opportunities Unlimited (reply to this ad at aeou1(at)hotmail.com) with clear face and body photographs (clothed or unclothed) and your contact information. Please make sure to send us CURRENT PICTURES - We will not be replying to emails without images. Please also include a short statement telling us why you are interested in this type of work and put the word depict in the subject line. Apply today



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