53 x 32 luxury european baroque full length wall mirror

Deion Weighs 18 pounds Stun your guests with this handcrafted European luxury mirror. Made by skilled artisans using traditional techniques, this mirror exudes sophistication and elegance. The intricate details and ornate design will instantly elevate any space, adding a touch of glamour and opulence. Crafted with the finest materials, including high-quality glass and ornate frames, this mirror is a true work of art. Its timeless design and impeccable craftsmanship make it a standout piece that will enhance the beauty of any room. Whether displayed in a living room, bedroom, or entryway, this European luxury mirror will be a stunning focal point that commands attention. Give your home a touch of European elegance with this exquisite handmade mirror that is sure to be a cherished heirloom for generations to come.



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