43rd World Nursing and Healthcare Conference

The 43rd World Nursing and Healthcare Conference themed Transforming Healthcare Through Innovation and Collaboration will be held on August 08-09 2024 in London UK. Organized under the conference short name Nursing 2024 this event aims to bring together leading nurses healthcare professionals researchers educators and policymakers from around the world to discuss and share insights on the latest advancements in nursing and healthcare. The conference will feature a diverse range of keynote speeches plenary sessions workshops and poster presentations providing attendees with a unique opportunity to engage with experts in the field exchange ideas and learn about cutting-edge innovations and best practices. Topics of discussion will include but are not limited to nursing education and practice healthcare policy and management mental health nursing patient safety and quality care. Attendees can expect to gain valuable knowledge skills and networking opportunities that will enable them to drive positive change and contribute to the transformation of healthcare delivery and outcomes. Join us at Nursing 2024 as we work together to shape the future of healthcare through innovation and collaboration.



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