Drivers 10500 weekly

Drivers do you realize you can make 10 500 plus weekly by working a 50 hour work week that is correct you need to get in touch with us if you want to become a private driver chauffeur for a VIP clients you will drive them around and be there private show for a driver and assistant all shifts are 10 hour days you are paid the same day we pay you by cash and direct deposit plus you get big tips from the clients vehicles will be provided by the clients we need full-time drivers that can work a 50-hour work week we hire both men and women we will train you day and night shifts available to apply please call our job information line and listen to the recording after listening to the recording if you want to sign on then contact management number will be at the end of the recording we are open 24 hours 7 days a week you may apply to be a driver please call (201)716-2827(open 24 hours (201)716-2827 C A L L ----- N O W .



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