Cattle Doodle Puppies

F1b Cattle Doodle pups from AKC Lineage - have six females left 1 red (pictured) 1 sable (pictured) 1 black with white chin (pictured) 2 black with white points (pictured) and 1 apricot (not pictured) ((only five pics were allowed))- come with up to date shots wormed flea med Health Guarantee Spa Day and 2 New Toys Plus Another Extra Call to make an appointment and come see them on our organic farm in Dunlap Playing with Puppies is Always Free Parents on premesis and available to meet and greet It s starting to get cold- invest in a Lap Warmer and a warm heart God Bless We are an organic farm and open to the public 7 days a week Mon-Sat 9am to Sundown and Sunday - 2pm to Sundown (We also raise butcher package and sell right here on the farm Organic Mangalitsa Pork and Katahdin Lamb) Come out and see Us Can t wait to meet you and yours R& R Farm15413 N State Route 91 Dunlap IL 61525(309)550-2412



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