The big red barn

Barns of america is a locally owned company with over 25 years experience our goal is to ensure you the BEST Quality Materials.Barns of America 26151 Se Hwy 19Old Town Fl 32680352-469-5044Our barns are built to withstand the test of time On Sale now.40x60 700024x36 380024x24 3000call us today ask for Britany or GlendaYour calls are important to us if we miss your call leave a message and we will call you back as soon as possible.(352)469-5044We will provide you with a building that not only looks great but will last a lifetime as well. Our barns are of the highest quality our Galvalume Metal carries a 25 year Manufacturer s Warranty and our Painted Metal carries a 40 year Manufacturer s Warranty. Our goal is to provide the best service to ensure you with the barn of your dreams.Available Upgrades 26 Gauge Galvalume Roofing Color or Copper Roofing available in 29 or 26 gauge packs (40 year warranty) Our Basic Kit Includes The Following 2x6 Wood purlins 6x6 Marine Grade Posts 29 gauge Galvalume Roofing (25 year warranty) Steel Engineered truss Strong and efficient design that reduces construction and material costs All the Nuts Bolts and Screws.



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