"For What Is A Man Or Woman"

For what is a man what has he got If not himself he is nothing To say the words he truly feels And not the words of one who kneels Jesus Christ in his life of preaching His Gospel and The New Testament stood fast in the Truth no matter what the outcome We should all Judge through The Truth of a story against a person that darkens their Life s Work rather than relying on those that Dress act so Professionally yet seemingly act as you see in old Western Movies Screaming Out Like a Drunken Mob yelling out Untruths against a person yelling or sometimes in a low tone voice Guilty Imprison and Destroy while disallowing the Whole Truth to be known Judge Ye Not on The Works of a Man or Woman Less Ye Be Judged on your works and accomplishments Let Jesus Christ be your Compass in this Physical Life and guide you to the Truth in all the Happenings that surround us in any given day. Learn to Discover the Difference between the Truth and the Untruths of any News Story or any Important Person in this world or even if its about your neighbor next door Stop the hatred and distrust against others and let the Love that God showers upon all of us take over all of us Welcome Jesus Christ into your life and let him be within you and guide you each day Visit prayerscircle.com



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