5plex Space at Jean-Talon Market House Little Italy Montreal

Income building (quintuplex) Commercial space at Jean-Talon Market House for sale Montreal (Rosemont La Petite-Patrie) --- Mozart Avenue East. 5plex on 2 exceptional lots of land overlooking the main street of the Jean-Talon Market Large plot of land with 50 ft of frontage offering one large commercial space that can be subdivided into 2 separate spaces. These lands offers 3 buildings commercial space at 172 Place du March du Nord 1 house at 173 Mozart East and 1 triplex at 167-171 Mozart East. Possibility of regaining possession of a 3 1 2 in the triplex and the house also. The commercial space has a lease until April 30 2025. 18 225.90 in annual business taxes. It is rare to find a building directly on the March du Nord. Possibility of single and double occupancy. 2 495 000 taxes.For more details leave your contact information or call Xavier Grelier IncCertified Real Estate BrokerRe Max Alliance Inc.438-794-8003 www.xaviergrelier.comImmeuble revenu (quintuplex) Local Espace commercial au March Jean-Talon Maison vendre Montr al (Rosemont La Petite-Patrie) --- Avenue Mozart est. 5plex sur 2 lots de Terrain exceptionnel donnant vitrine sur l art re principale du March Jean-Talon Grand terrain de 50 pieds de fa ade vous offrant 1 grand local commercial pouvant tre subdivis en 2 locaux distincts. Ces terrains vous donnent 3 b timents local commercial au 172 Place du march du Nord 1 maison au 173 rue Mozart est et 1 triplex au 167-171 rue Mozart est. Possibilit de reprendre possession d un 3 1 2 dans le triplex ainsi que la maison. Le local commercial a un bail jusqu au 30 avril 2025. Il assume 18 225 90 en taxe d affaires annuelles. Rare de retrouver un immeuble directement sur le March du Nord. Possibilit d occupation simple et double. 2 495 000 taxes.Pour plus d information veuillez laisser vos coordonn es ou joindre Xavier Grelier IncCourtier immobilier agr Re Max Alliance Inc.438-794-8003 www.xaviergrelier.com



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