Escape to tranquility: stay in sakleshpur at coffee bean villa

Seeking a refreshing escape amidst nature s embrace? Look no further than Coffee Bean Villa, your idyllic retreat in Sakleshpur! Nestled amidst lush coffee plantations, our homestay offers a haven of peace and serenity. Unwind in Comfort: Choose from cozy rooms, tents, or a private villa, all boasting modern amenities and breathtaking views. Savor delicious local cuisine prepared with fresh, seasonal ingredients. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the surroundings with on-site activities like cycling and nature walks. Experience Sakleshpur: Our convenient location allows you to explore the charming hill station of Sakleshpur with its cascading waterfalls, trekking trails, and historical sites. Unwind by the pool or indulge in rejuvenating Ayurvedic massages (offered at an additional cost). Coffee Bean Villa - Your Perfect Sakleshpur Getaway: Ideal for couples, families, or corporate groups seeking a break from the ordinary. Unparalleled hospitality and personalized service ensure an unforgettable stay. Book your stay today and discover the magic of Sakleshpur!



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