Roadway Design Engineer II

How to ApplyYou MUST apply at s 2ykwu4ca by May 27. NCDOT is a Great Place to Work.Don t take our word for it. Read what our people are saying at s NCDOTGreatPlaceToWork. We are the highest rated state agency for employee satisfaction on Glassdoor with nearly 300 reviews. New Higher Salary 59 752 - 104 566 The Challenge We are looking for an intermediate level Engineer to join our Roadway Design Development & Support team that develops roadway design plans and construction cost estimates for preliminary right of way and final construction plans. In this role you will Prepare roadway design plans and public meeting maps throughout the project delivery process using sound engineering judgement. Coordinate with other NCDOT technical units and Division staff to incorporate their recommendations into roadway design plans. Prepare and review quantity calculation used to generate cost estimates for the allocation of funds for Transportation Improvement projects (TIP). Assist as a technical expert on roadway design related questions from consultants Divisions and other units to clarify design requirements. Assist in the development of roadway design scopes of services and development of project schedules for internal projects. Manage track and report task progress to meet established project tasks. Assist with the training junior engineers including Transportation Engineering Associates and interns. What You BringKnowledge of civil engineering principles - especially related to highway design AASHTO guidance Roadway Design Manual Bridge Policy NCDOT Standard Drawings and Specifications. Experience in the development or review of engineered design plans and details to determine compliance and compatibility with construction and engineering principles designs and statutes. Demonstrated ability to work independently on tasks and track progress to ensure timely completion. Experience using Bentley highway design software and workspaces (MicroStation GeoPak OpenRoads Designer and Corridor Modeling). Demonstrated ability coordinating with multidisciplinary staff on technical matters and training junior engineers. NoteWe may require registration as a professional engineer by the NC Board of Examiners for Engineers and Surveyors. Education & ExperienceBachelors Degree in engineering and 3 years of relevant experience or An equivalent combination of education and experience. Questions Call me Jennifer Sizemore at (919) 707-6202. Learn more about the NCDOT Roadway Design team s watch v kWUfM9Q47Qc Connect to NCDOT Careers at LinkedIn s in ncdot-careers See all NCDOT jobs at s ncdotjobs Curious s JoinNCDOT



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