Apartment for sale

Elqornet Zouk Mikael, panoramic view, private classy area, very quiet villa zone street, road accessed only by the region inhabitants, pollution free area, One minute away from St Joseph school aintoura and Lebanese Canadian University , villa zone, 2 salons, dining room, 2 living rooms, big kitchen, maid room+bath, 4 bedrooms (2 master, 1 with annexe, 1 regular), chauffage+a/ c, 320 m2 interior+ 286 m2 terrace and garden + 2 dedicated parkings underground, 2 dedicated storage rooms; split ACs, electric/ fuel/ and gas hot water, central heating(fuel)(40yrs guarantee on plumbing by API cie), concierge, private generator for building(for emergency/ 25amps per apt) and outer generator subion fully automatic. The apartment is by itself on its floor (i.e: no neighboring apartment). call Vincent 03328020 or email [email protected]



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