2012 Honda Civic

2012 Honda Civic sedan. Very clean and very low mileage. 40 000 miles..No problems whatsoever no stories just a very clean low mileage Honda Civic sedan.This car has only been Adult driven and well cared for. The only down side are a couple of minor cosmetic issues. The car does have a scrap on the lower front bumper right hand side. There are also A few acorn hits on the car but very minor.. This will be a very reliable and economical transportation. Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA) w traction control USB audio interface Tire pressure monitoring system Tilt telescoping steering column Side-impact door beams Security system Remote fuel filler door release Remote entry.This 2012 Civic is for Honda enthusiasts who are looking for an attractive-looking and fuel-efficient car. Honda wins Edmonds.com Best Retained Value Award for Non-Luxury Brands. The enlightened i-VTEC 4-cylinder spins more freely providing a lower coefficient in drag with zero loss in power. Assistance from Honda s Eco Technology helps boost fuel ratings up to 40 MPG The car is burgundy metallic with tan interior. Please No texts phone calls only and no calls past 10pm.Thank you and I hope to hear from you soon. Motivated seller.Please call (973)479-2832 for any of the details.



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