Ford Endeavour 3.0l 4x4 At

2012 Endeavour 3.0L 4x4 ATThird Party InsuranceSingle Owner 58000 KMCompany Service Record9 8 8 4 8 5 9 0 1 5www . vjcars . in9 8 8 4 1 3 9 0 1 5ADDITIONAL FEATURES Airbag Abs Alloys Leather interior seat Brand new tyres Reverse camera Touch screen GPRS DVD Roof tv 360 degree checked vehicleFeel free to walk-in to our Flagship Showroom VJ Cars - Certified Pre-Owned Car Showroom 62 Jeenis Road Saidapet Chennai 600015 (Opposite Saidapet Post Office)(Enter the Saidapet Arch and look for our boards near ICICI Bank)



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