policefire ems scanner radio shack pro 106 minty

this radio has very low hours and was always plugged in and never once out of the house it comes with new rechargable aa batts (the radio only takes 2) and will recharge the batts for you when plugged in it will come to you fully ready to turn on and play slight learning curve but very simple once you use it once it comes complete as new with box cd charge prog cable new ni cad batts it was my fathers radio hes 88 now and has too many health concerns to enjoy it so I have one and decided to sell the better and nevwer and better condition of the two. you won t be disappointed this radio does it ALL complete with emergency weather break in if so programmed which I did and it works great buy turn on enjoy can be plugged in or use charge cable as plug nice little radio that s why I bought two



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