Country Ridge Gated Community 1st Month Rent Free

Country Ridge is a unique residential community located in the rolling hills of central Alabama. Its design and development were born of the desire to build an elite affordable housing community for those who would prefer a serene country setting yet still be only a short drive to the city. The result is a sparkling piece of genuine southern country living. Our Goal at Country Ridge is to provide quality housing in a unique country setting that is well within the financial reach of family oriented professionals of all ages. From the young up and coming to the retired or semi-retired Country Ridge is the perfect choice for those who wish to live in the peaceful surroundings of a professionally managed private gated community. We have a variety of New and Remodeled Move in Ready Manufactured Homes available for rent in our community Local Schools Maxwell Elementary Duncanville Middle Hillcrest High For more information please call the Community Manager Bill Bein 205-331-5046.



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