NEW 2017 Ford Focus SE FOR SALE 16056 near Kingsland GA and Ja

Please call 877.546.4367Visit us at King s Colonial Ford Brunswick GA for more pictures and information on this vehicle.2017 Ford Focus SEMileage 9Exterior Color Ruby Red Metallic Tinted ClearcoatTransmission AutomaticEngine Regular Unleaded I-4 2.0 L 122Stock 17350 View Details View Window Sticker MSRP 21 035Internet Price 16 056 Please call 877.546.4367Visit us at King s Colonial Ford Brunswick GA for more pictures and information on this vehicle. All prices include Ford factory rebates Ford Motor Credit rebate and trade-in assistance rebate when available. Ford Credit rebate requires financing with Ford Motor Credit with approved credit. Trade assistance rebate requires trade in of a qualified vehicle. Prices displayed exclude tax tag title and fees. Kings Colonial Ford is not responsible for any typographical errors in prices descriptions availability etc.NEW 2017 Ford Focus SE FOR SALE 16 056 near Kingsland GA and Jacksonville 17350 KingsColonialFord Com



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